Manufacturing Excellence


Quality management is imperative for us.

The continuous requirement for improvement and efficiency is reinforced by the awareness of our responsibilities.  We deliver safety critical parts for customers working in hostile environments on equipment that is highly specialized and is critical to the supply of products such as oil, gas and renewable energy.

  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
  • Major client approvals:
    French Defence industry – AQAP 120
    Lloyds approval on forging
    Nuclear USA – ASME NCA 3800 + NQA 1
    Nuclear Europe – EDF, Framatome, Westinghouse, GOST-R, RCCM
  • Beck Crespel API 20E (BSL 1, 2 and 3) and 20F (BSL 2 and 3) licence number 20-0048 and 20-0020
  • Beck Prosper API 20E (BSL 1, 2) and 20F (BSL 2 and 3) Certificate number Q1-3317
  • PED 2014/68/EU (Pressure Equipment Directive)

Laboratory ISO 17020 + 17025
Mechanical testing
Metallurgical: micro, macro…
NDT: Magnetic particle inspections Level I and II), Ultrasonic controls (Level II), Dye penetrant inspections (Level I and II)
Positive material inspection (PMI)
Salt spray test equipment

Destructive tests carried out internally:
  • Mechanical tests at room temperature (tensile, resilience)
  • Cold resilience down to -101°C
  • Hot tensile tests
  • Proof load on nuts
  • Proof load on studs (max diameter M100 in Class 10.9 x 2000mm)
  • Salt spray
  • Micrography and macrography
  • Black light micrographs
  • Vickers and Knoop low pressure micro-hardness
Non-destructive checks:
  • Magnetoscopy
  • US
  • Penetrant testing, fluorescent penetrant testing
  • Eddy current
  • Spectrography
  • Torque control

We never stop testing and your products will never stop improving